Ian Cammish: Time Trialling 'Legend' / 'icon' / 'wannabe' / 'has-been' / whatever floats your boat.
The what, why and wherefore of British Time Trialling as seen through the eyes of me … Ian Cammish, holder of over 50 National Cycling Championships and Records. Or ... the aftermath of an extended college project, “how to create a web-site” by son Jack, aged 17, Hills Road College, Cambridge. (I think winning and breaking over 50 National Championships and records were easier!).
“I could write a book” I said. But Peter Whitfield, author of Twelve Champions, The Condor Years and more, told me “there’s no money in it” so for anyone who’s interested here’s a totally free, unexpurgated insight into time trialling through the ages from yours truly … Ian Cammish aged 55 ¼.
Over the forty-plus years I've been cycling, a lot of influential people have helped me achieve what I set out to do but inevitably, over the period of time, we have all each gone our own separate ways. This is just one way of expressing my gratitude to you all. If it also brings back fond memories of yesteryear to any time trialling enthusiasts who happen to stumble on the site, then so much the better :-)
Hour Record Update
Mick Storey, the man (probably) responsible for the round that finally tipped former National
Champion and Record breaker Ian Cammish over the edge and in to his own little world of
make-believe has confirmed to the World that a mystery funder has announced his intention to
launch Cammish back into the international limelight by funding his proposed attack on Robert
Gilmour’s world hour record.
"The realisation that someone is ready and willing to back the attempt with hard cash has really
hit Ian hard. Since he took early retirement four years or so ago, he’s let himself go a bit. Where
he used to regularly knock out 52 minute ‘25’s in training he’s slipped to 53s and 54s. I can’t
honestly say I can remember the last time he finished off a whole bottle of Vodka before
Eastenders either. Personally I think he knows he’s bitten off more than he can chew this time
but he’s surprised us in the past so who’s to say he can’t pull himself together and get back on
(the) track”.
Cammish is said to have become a bit of a recluse in more recent years, a throw-back believed
to have originated as a result of the many years of self-inflicted mental and physical purgatory he
must have experienced riding against the clock … not to mention the 32 years pen-pushing in
the MoD..
We were however able to track him down on his allotment, and after joining him to prick out a
few plants in his potting shed we retired to join his friends in a few games of dominoes, one of
Cammish’s current passions, in the Duncombe Arms, Waresley (the metropolis of nightlife).
The topic of conversation soon turned to the hour record.
“We were all pissed” said Cammish. “I think some scum-bag pressman was ear-wigging and
before we knew it I was on the bloody (t)rack and it looks like I’ll have to waive my magic wand
now that some toss-pot with more money than sense wants to try to turn the clock back. Yes
I’ll go for it. If nothing else and the attempt looks likely to fall apart once I’m underway, I’ll follow
in the tracks of the majority of my 12 hour rides and pack. At least the bar bill will be covered
this time.
“To be fair, I’ve kept riding my bike. My counsellor and all the doctors and psychologists I’ve
seen keep telling me it’s good for me. Of course I’ll try to wangle a trip to the Pyrenees out of
this. Ideal preparation for the record would be a few days having the shit kicked out of me.
The ONLY time I ever won the National 12 was after 2 weeks .hogging loads of hard miles in the
Pyrenees. So I know what works for me. Ideally, I’d like to find a dozen or so ‘old boys’ who’d
like to do it too. I’m sure I’d be able to hoodwink a few of them in to parting with a few extra quid
(to fund my own trip) in return for granting them the pleasure of kicking my ass”.
Although funding for the actual attempt has been set aside, Cammish is still waiting to hear
back from those he considers essential to get the show on the road … an organiser and
someone well versed in the art of riding fast on a track. He may, however, have pissed on his
chips over the years in his own selfish single-minded quest for what he believed would lead to
time trialling immortality as the lack of interest displayed by those he has sought help and
advice from clearly suggests he has upset many others along the way. Unless bridges can
be built, or someone just takes pity on the old boy, Cammish’s 60th birthday party proposals
at Manchester / Derby / Lea Valley / Welwyn / Wickstead Park just aren’t going to happen
Would-be ‘wannabee’s beware ... you reap what you sow.
The interview ended abruptly as soon as Cammish must have realised it was his round. He
zipped up his carpet slippers, donned his flat cap and said he was off for a pee. We never saw
him again.
Just how serious is Cammish taking this?
Already learning to get to grips with 'fixed' in the mid '70s.
"I've had this record in mind for the last 40 years or so".
Photo courtesy Len Thorpe
Welwyn track ... probably (not) the ideal venue for the attempt
I totally appreciate the fact that those I've already approached are even older than me and no doubt have far more important things to do than get involved in such a project as this. I don't love you any the less for all the help you've given me in the past though. Thank you guys :-)