Ian Cammish: Time Trialling 'Legend' / 'icon' / 'wannabe' / 'has-been' / whatever floats your boat.
The what, why and wherefore of British Time Trialling as seen through the eyes of me … Ian Cammish, holder of over 50 National Cycling Championships and Records. Or ... the aftermath of an extended college project, “how to create a web-site” by son Jack, aged 17, Hills Road College, Cambridge. (I think winning and breaking over 50 National Championships and records were easier!).
“I could write a book” I said. But Peter Whitfield, author of Twelve Champions, The Condor Years and more, told me “there’s no money in it” so for anyone who’s interested here’s a totally free, unexpurgated insight into time trialling through the ages from yours truly … Ian Cammish aged 55 ¼.
Over the forty-plus years I've been cycling, a lot of influential people have helped me achieve what I set out to do but inevitably, over the period of time, we have all each gone our own separate ways. This is just one way of expressing my gratitude to you all. If it also brings back fond memories of yesteryear to any time trialling enthusiasts who happen to stumble on the site, then so much the better :-)
Once upon a time ...
I had a pink-lustre Every time trial bike. It was built by Colin Every using Columbus Air tubing given to me by one of my first sponsors - Italo Berigliano of Saba.
It was a nice bike. I won National Championships and broke National Records on it. My mate Darryl Webster used to say it bent a bit when I put the pressure down ... but I loved it.
It ended up on my turbo trainer then was eventually given its last rights, in a very private ceremony, at the local recycling centre at Unit 3, Marston Road, St Neots, PE19 2HB. A sad day indeed!
Maybe ten or more years later, I was delighted to receive an email from Robert Chandler who remembered the 'pink' Every well. So well in fact, that he was minded to have his own Every resprayed and rebuilt in a similar manner.
Robert has kindly sent me some photos.
Lovely job ... brings back lots of great memories. Thanks Robert.
Italo Berigliano (Saba) and me at the Harrogate festival in the early 80s - complete with the 'pink' Every.
Great side-on shot of Robert's 'pink' Every.
Love it :-)
Mavic rear mech and rims with silk tubulars.
PMP 'L' shaped cranks and Cinelli M71 pedals
Turbo saddle (I used Cinelli) and Modolo brakes
Cinelli bars and 1R stem and Modolo Kronos brake levers
Omas (?) headset and Mavic gear levers